Virginia (Cirilla) Moriconi
GINNY ( Camp Nurse )
BORN 31 July 1922
DIED 9 January 2010
Virginia also was pretty much a Rochester gal, having graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School. From high school, she went on into nursing where she graduated from St. Mary’s School of Nursing.
Virginia was Ginny at Onanda, caretaker of bumps and scratches, cuts, and stomach aches – all things medical – the summers of 1966 and 1967.
My mother was born July 31, 1922.
She graduated from Ben Franklin High School. She attended St Mary’s School of Nursing. When she graduated she was a surgical nurse in Rochester (I cannot remember which hospital). She raised two daughters, Paulette and Virginia. She also worked for the Red Cross where she was a nurse in the blood bank. She loved gardening, reading, swimming, collecting Carnival glass, refinishing furniture, feeding and learning about birds and her two German Shepards. She loved a good hike in the woods behind our house. She was the only mom who took all the neighbor kids into the woods. I believe she spent 2 years as a nurse at Onanda while I was a counselor. I do remember she loved it and I loved having her there. My mom could be very funny and she did like a good time! Do any of you remember what my mom was like at Onanda – for the life of me I just can’t remember. I do know she was a no nonsense person!!! She died at age 87 in January of 2010. She was born Virginia Anne Cirilla.
PS Still miss her every day like it was yesterday.
This was shared by Ginny’s daughter, Paulette.
Yes, Paulette, I remember your mom fondly. Had a nasty fall into the cement step of Chule one day the summer of 1967. Like all accidents, I was carelessly running down toward the cabin… ah youth. Your mom was there to make sure I didn’t do more damage than what was obvious. But I remember your mom as totally being a part of all the fun and crazy moments with the rest of us. I can still hear her laughter. And yes, when it came to tending to our “medical needs” she was caring and yet firmly admonished us a wee bit for our youthful carelessness. Hah, still carry the scar from that fall along with warm fuzzy memories of your mom.
This was shared by Truesie